This is a WEBCAST training event by Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
New requirements from funding agencies, along with the increasing importance of digital data in the conduct of research, have lead to a new and unfamiliar component of proposal-writing (and reviewing) : the data management plan. This session, following on the Data Management Planning and Execution session offered earlier this year, focuses on the process of writing Data Management Plans, going beyond templates and formulas to present strategies for developing a plan for presentation to collaborators, reviewers, and institutions. We discuss the writing of a data management plan as a way to ease the achievement of research goals, and treat data as a critical component of optimal research outcomes. Topics covered will include the importance of disciplinary norms and community collections, data sharing, planning for provenance and other metadata, the relationship between data management and analysis, and long-term preservation of your data.
To register for this training, please visit or
HPC@LSU will broadcast this training for the benefit of LSU researchers. If you plan on attending this broadcast, please register here even if you have registered with TACC or XSEDE.