
Class Information

Moodle 3 - Basics and Beyond
Gregory Brignac


Date: 08/23/2019  09:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Location: Himes Hall   133

Course Description

Prerequisites: This workshop is designed for those with little to no experience with Moodle.

Description: This workshop will cover the basics of Moodle 3. The target audience for this workshop are instructors and GTAs who have never used Moodle previously.Topics that will be addressed during this workshop are:

  • My Home
  • Course Blocks
  • Activities
  • Resources
  • Gradebook (This will include a brief overview of the gradebook features. For assistance in setting up your gradebook, please make an appointment with the FTC.)

Feel free to bring a flashdrive with your syllabus or other course materials.

Resources & Support:


Note: Registration is required and will close at 4:30pm the day before this scheduled workshop.


If you are looking for a more in-depth exploration of Moodle or have questions about your specific course, please request an appointment with one of the staff members of the Faculty Technology Center. You can call 578-3375 (option 2), or email ftc@lsu.edu.